Crisis averted. DD went on an interview last Thursday for a job driving a bus in another county. They hired her on the spot and she started her new job yesterday. The down-side is that it's further from home so it's unlikely she will be able to go home on her split-shift days and apparently they will all be split-shift days; she's also taken a pay cut. For the up-side she once again has a paycheck, medical coverage for the family, is contributing to the same retirement plan and has a job she enjoys. She has learned a lot through this whole experience and so have we.
Before she lost her job she purchased a car from a private party that literally died as she was pulling out of the driveway. She wanted her money back, the other party said they'd have their mechanic fix the car instead. Bottom line - she didn't get the car and has gotten some but not all of her money back. So she and DGS shared his car. Until it died. Our son then told her about a friend selling a car and she bought it and that's what she and DGS are now sharing. We've helped out where and when we could so it's been a busy time for all of us.
Now a little personal stuff: DD has been remarkable through all this. I can't begin to say how absolutely crushed she was at losing her job and then the one "good" car they had gave up the ghost. I wondered how she would handle all the stress she was given and she did just fine. Amazing. It wasn't that long ago when her life was an unbelievable mess - I won't go into details because it doesn't matter and she isn't that person anymore - but she was at the very bottom in every way imaginable. When she checked herself into a place where they taught her how to live a "normal" life they helped give her her life back. All of the little speed-bumps in life that threw her such a curve are now just that - little speed bumps. There were times when all of us chafed at the rules and regulations she had to follow but we told ourselves, they must know what they're doing. And they did. She has learned how to parent, budget, maintain a home and her sobriety. And we're learning how to relax and trust things will work out.
Thank you all for your prayers, good thoughts and well wishes. Love does make the world go round.
Glad you are back with good things to report. I have missed you and the world as seen through Sandy's eyes.
Hooray for DD, and I am wishing her success and enjoyment in this new job. She's obviously gaining selfconfidence and has a great sense of her abilities. I can hear your happiness in your words, you must be so proud of her in all she has achieved in the past few months. And I know that she appreciates your support, both financial and personal. She's getting to grips with whatever Life throws at her, good for her!!!
And I quite like the knife and fork pictures!
So glad things are going well again. Was praying for all of you that it would work out. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly. Now, go do something for you, Dear Aunt!
Miss you! Love you! Miss Cindy and the rest of the gang are doing well.
Mom - thanks. I'm glad to be back and catching up on everyone's blog. You are my 14-year old grandson's hero because of your Segway experience!
Ms. Shammy - you have it nailed perfectly. I'll let DGS know you liked his pictures. He now has my SLR camera and I can hardly wait to see what develops!
Amy - you're back, hooray! And Miss Cindy?? I thought it was Cynnnttthiiaaahhh! BTW - that new bear comes out pretty soon.
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