After a visit to the downtown Farmer's Market, we went for a walk. Riverside is as close to a small town atmosphere as you can get (considering the population is approximately 290,000) and the downtown is very accessible for pedestrians. Often there is a pan-handler carrying a sign and looking for a handout. One carried a sign saying "ugly and broke." And he was. Ugly that is. Don't know about the broke part. They aren't aggressive, not like the ones in NY or LA.
My favorite in LA walks around muttering to himself and yelling, "You're going to hell," to everyone that walks by. Adds to the local color.
Hubby gets results of his medical tests on Tuesday.
heh,heh....I was browsing and window shopping yesterday. If I had been reading blogs like I should have I wouldn't have been almost naughty...emphasis on almost. I found Louie's web site, found the bag I want and emailed Steve telling him it only cost $960.00.....and waited for him to get the pop up, read the email and then heard him coming. I laughed and laughed. He didn't think it was so funny.
Ok, I lied. I already knoew where the web site was.
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