DS had a good doctor visit yesterday - his leg is now quickly improving and should be completely healed in about four weeks. He is still walking with a cane but it doesn't slow him down. He and his ex-wife decided that their son should return to Texas to start the school year and he will come out here to permanently live with his dad at the end of the year. This gives them all a chance to adjust and prepare for the changes.
DD stopped by this evening on her way to a sponsored dance. Like Cinderella, she has to be in by midnight as they have a very strict curfew. She looked so happy and is doing well. She has started dreaming again - they told her that as her brain began returning to normal she would and she is. She will soon be five months clean.
DGS is spending the night with us and it's good to see the brothers together again. They enjoy each other's company and it's fun to listen to their good-natured teasing - mostly about music and the taste or lack-of in the other. When it gets too heated I threaten to put on some ABBA - stops them cold every time.
Is andy looking out for Samantha????
Clean air is always nice; so is a clean DD.
She's young and high energy,he's older and slower. She likes to run up to him, give him a swat and then run and hide - keeps him on his toes. But they make nice and cuddle together at the end of the day.
Agreed - not much better than a clean DD!
I can totally tell you are better than yesterday! Yeah!
SO happy for you about the good news and good things with the Dear Family! Can't wait to see you guys! Dad really does want to visit, too.
I am so relieved that you are back to your normal chipper self! I was worried about you! Thanks for letting us know that your happy face is back on! :-)
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