The day before he turned 18 he bought a wig complete with sideburns and glasses and wore them........
while he mowed the lawn. Definitely a reason to grab the camera. His sideburns kept flopping in the wind because we didn't have the tape he needed to hold them in place. Was he embarrassed by the stares he got? Nah, he's a teenager. 
Today DGS is 18. He's ready to register to vote, register with the Selective Service, (and pray we never return to the draft!) change his saving account at the bank to a checking account and get checks and a debit card, get an unrestricted driving license, be eligible for most jobs, sign legal contracts, and generally take one step into the adult world. He is very sober minded about all the responsibilities an 18 year old incurs and is ready for them. He has a good heart, great sense of humor, and a keen intellect. We love him very much and are incredibly proud of the fine young man he's become.
We had a small party for him and his mother (DD) baked a beautiful cake. He is now out with his friends and he's chosen well - they're as wonderful as he is. We still have no idea where his dad is but DGS is now preparing the paperwork to take our last name. He asked DH if it was okay and DH said he'd be proud to have him share our name. And we are.
What a wonderful post. He is adorable. Smart and funny...good combo. Must take after his dear grandparents you think?
That wig and all is so HIM! Funny!
He is a good kid. It makes you wonder, did all the yuck he has been through plus all the grandparent love help to keep him away from the stuff a lot of kids his age get into? A lot of reality there.
Hope his birthday was grand! He deserves it!
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