Oh, what beautiful blue eyes!
And she patiently waits for me to finish taking her picture so she can get back to her nap.

I'm not feeling very good about myself right now. I fixed dinner for DH and he said something that I took as a criticism and I snapped back feeling unappreciated, unloved, just blah. After all I've been doing for him, this is the thanks I get? Naturally he had no idea what set me off - and I can't blame it on "that time of the month" anymore. I'm frustrated because his doctor called and said the results of his latest blood test show he's
still anemic and he's been taking time-release iron pills that supply almost 300% of the RDA!
Why is he still anemic? The anemia explains his lack of energy so I guess the good news is I don't have to worry about the lethargy meaning DH is slipping into depression. I always have more questions than answers and I've just got to be more patient. He's going through quite a bit and I get sensitive? Not my finest hour.
Sandy.....no, maybe not your greatest moment, but who is taking care of you? Yes, DH is not well, feeling badly a lot, but you have taken care of him as a partner should and a thank you just because or a hug for no reason is needed for you. Does he still have diarrhea? Maybe someone should take a stool sample. Stress can cause GI bleeding. If he still has diarrhea, timed release iron or not, a lot of un-absorbed stuff is going thru his bowel. As your home care nurse, ask the doc about what I just said...if he poo-poos it then at least you asked. Being sick is not an excuse for not appreciating those around you.
Hey Rosemary, "If he poo-poos it..."
No pun intended, right? Funny.
Sandy, you are one of the most caring people I know. So kind and considerate of others. Everybody has an off day once in a while! Ha, even me! Just ask the girls! It's okay.
Here's a big hug from me and the girls. You are okay and you are loved. Don't expect yourself to be cheerful all the time! But know that people understand!
We love you. Lots! No, really. No, REALLY!!!!
You have done so much for so many lately and you just keep pluggin' along. Everyone in your family has something going on! Take a long deep breath and then think about ALASKA!
Oh, and your kitty Samantha is just beautiful. And you can tell that she knows it! Ha!
Rosemary, he seems to be through with the diarrhea. The surgeon said the operation was bloody and DH needed 3 units of blood. I wonder if that has anything to do with it - I'm just grasping at straws here. And you're right - I need to let him know when I need a hug. Blow-ups are exhausting! And I thought "poo-poo" was funny too.
Amy, got your hugs and I feel better. You're right - think Alaska. Eye on the prize!
Both - thank you! I felt like such a doofus yesterday and am better now.
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