Four percent - 4% - that's what John Edwards got in the Nevada caucus. He placed second in Iowa, third in New Hampshire and third in Nevada. He says it's a marathon, not a sprint and he is in it until the end. However, money and support dry up if people perceive you can't win. He has been my choice from the start. I've put money and energy where my mouth is and have been more than frustrated at the lack of coverage his campaign gets in the media. The media is now talking about who he will endorse when he pulls out and where his supporters will go. Beats me. I don't have a second choice.
Sad, really sad. I would vote for him too...I think Obama is under qualified and Hillary has the most annoying voice in the world.
If Obama and Clinton continue to swipe at each other, maybe it will give Edwards an opening. It's gotten so ugly and we have a l-o-n-g way to go.
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