Fresh snow in the mountains, the rain is over and gas is under $3/gallon!

When we watch the Academy Awards, there are always movies or performances we haven’t seen. Not this year as we are making a project of seeing all the major films and performances. It costs $7.50 each to see a matinee (before 6:00pm) with the senior discount of $1.00. Afterwards we go out to eat or stop at Starbucks for a latte and discuss what we've just seen. The different locations create a better atmosphere for discussions; if we were home, I'd be reading or studying and DH would be watching television. Not exactly conducive to stimulating conversations!
I've just finished reading a most unusual book and need some time to reflect on it: "The End of the Alphabet" by C.S. Richardson. It was never in my "currently reading" list because I finished it before I had the time to list it. It's that small - only 121 teeny-tiny pages but thought provoking. I may join a local bookclub but don't want to dissect a book so much that it kills all the enjoyment. Picky, picky.
Looks like a perfect California day. I remember those days from my childhood there.
I hate the finishing of a good book. I never quite know what to do with myself. Blog a review about it and you will get some other thoughts and views about it.
We have seen almost none of the movies...because they have not played here or even close to here. Small town living. I tried a book club at the Library and didn't like having to read a book within a time frame...I sometimes have several books going at once and it takes time to get thru them. I am reading Eat, Pray, Love and it is is Plum somethingorother and the first Lord John book that is really slow. And Vanity Fair and Vogue and a zillion catalogues.
Mom, I love our winters here, summers are another story. I like your suggestion and will blog a review tomorrow.
Rosemary, Eat,Pray,Love was wonderful. I fell in love with Italy and all things Italian all over again. Even Giuliani. Maybe not Giuliani.
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