These past few days have been some of the most relaxing I've had for a very long time. With our daughter in re-hab, we are now at long last looking forward to a time when she will be able to take over her responsibilities and we will be able to march forward with our own plans.
The program she's in offers a sober-living option after she completes her ninety days (she is almost half-way through) and she has very reluctantly signed up for it. Her reluctance is for several reasons - uppermost is the fact that her oldest son will not be able to live with her since he will be 18 soon and they don't allow 18 year olds. The fact that he won't be able to stay with her has made her realize, really realize, how much time she's lost and can't get back since she had always hoped they would all be able to live together when she was clean. Her 13 year old will be living with her though.
On the plus side for her, the amount of rent she pays will be proportionate to the money she earns. She will need to get a job and is nervous about getting one as she has been out of the job market for years and has no marketable skills to speak of. This area offers job training and that's a possibility but she is interested in driving a city bus and wants to apply there while she's still in re-hab. I'm sure she will need to take drug tests often as a bus driver but she says she is sooooo through with drugs that that doesn't bother her in the least. This program she's in tells her to remember her last day using and to realize that if she ever uses drugs again, it will be even worse. I saw her on her last day using and she said she felt like she was dying.
She is now getting healthy, both physically and mentally, has gained ten well-needed pounds and is learning how to think and live without drugs. She laughs easily now whereas a conversation with her in the past would mean walking on eggshells or putting on boxing gloves. We didn't see her often while she was using but when we did it never went well and usually ended with her storming off because of some perceived slight.
So on we go, doing it one day at a time but doing it. Thankful she is in re-hab, thankful she still has a relationship with her boys, thankful for all the wonderful people that are helping her learn how to live, and just thankful.
Thank god she is doing well in there. Just tell her to always remember "HOW" Honesty Openmindedness and most important, WILLINGNESS. With these she will be set. It is very good that she has such a supportive family. I was fortunate in that aspect as well. A little tip for you, remember that it didn't take her 90 days to get to where she was at her lowest point...so it will not take 90 days to restore her...she has got ALOT of work to do... :0)
Right foot, left foot, right foot and on and on...that's all any of us can do.
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