JOURNEY - any course or passage from one stage or experience to another..........
DISCOVER - to find out, see, know or learn about
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Wednesday Family Meeting
Tonight our grandson will be going with us to visit his mother at the re-hab facility. It is family meeting night and this will be the first one he's attended. The meetings are very honest with lots of sharing and he is ready to participate. His garage band was asked not to play so loud the last time they got together. He was stunned, absolutely stunned that their music wasn't appreciated. Ah, youth. It must be served.
I am a wife, mother and grandmother. My job in the finance industry is interesting and challenging. Though I often think about retiring, I’m not ready yet. We’ve spent some years raising our daughter’s two boys but she has now taken responsibility for them and we are once again empty-nesters. One leg of our journey ends and another begins. It is now time for us: to discover what lies ahead and reflect on where we’ve been. Our sweet spot in life.
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