Nine years old (he will be ten tomorrow) and a non-stop bundle of energy. I always said that the only two things I wanted to bring into my old age were flexibility and stamina and he is a good test of both. He wanted to see "Evan Almighty" so we did. He talked non-stop through the movie but we were the only ones there so it didn't matter. No "shushing."
He's staying with us for the weekend - birthday party at our place tomorrow. We're ready!
cuite, cute, cute...and looks like he is will surely keep you young...and blonde.
He is just too cute....about the religion thing...Yes, I tend to shy away from most organized religion, however I do believe in a higher power, (relationship)(prayer)I still have issues-still trying to work them out...Doed this make any sense???
I meant to write 'doeS' not doed....
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