1) How was I supposed to know...........that the ivy I cut down was holding the fence up. We moved into a darling 2-bedroom Tudor home in West Seattle and the fence between us and our neighbor was overgrown with ugly ivy. With a pure heart I decided to prune the ivy and neaten things up. I'd never pruned anything before and went at it with a heavy hand. The next morning there was a knock on the door from the neighbor who very nicely pointed out that the fence between us had collapsed - that stupid ivy had been holding it up.
2) I come from a family...........of strong-willed individuals but we operated as a unit. My mother was most definitely the heart of the family and she raised all five of us to find our own voices. When one brother came out and told her he was gay she cried in private but never told him. His sexual preference didn't matter to her but she knew it would be a more difficult life for him. Ever the progressive, she wanted to see gay marriage legalized and he didn't. Go figure.
3) I had a crush on........I hate to admit this but my biggest crush was on Kris Kristofferson. There was something about his voice, the sincerity with which he sang, and the lyrics to his songs that just did it for me. Okay, I always knew he wasn't the rebellious guy he sang about (not with his West Point background) but I overlooked a lot. "Help me make it through the night...." yep, I would have - until I watched a TV program he was on with Marie Osmond. He sang a song to her and it was painfully obvious that he was just acting sincere. I didn't think he was capable of such duplicity. Crush over. Still have a crush on........nope.
4) I hate, hate, hate............people that mistreat children or animals. And sticky floors. And houses that are meticulously cleaned and refuse to stay that way.
5) I can understand..............most anyone. I remember when the "wilding" happened in Central Park and the mayor at that time, Mayor Koch, said he didn't want to understand why the gang of kids had done what they'd done because then he'd have to forgive them and he didn't want to forgive. Well, I'm like that. I can always understand where people are coming from but I don't always want to.
6) I always make............too much of a deal about completing any required federal, state, county, health, you name it, forms and paperwork. I consider them time-wasting intrusions. On the federal census forms I always write, "I respectfully decline to complete this information." I am such a polite rebel.
7) I really do love...........nature and music. Every part of my soul is refreshed by being outdoors and seeing God's handiwork and I see it everywhere. Music, I couldn't imagine a life without music. It elevates my spirit and both energizes and relaxes me. I once heard it described as the pulse of creation. I like that.
8) I began and quickly ended.........working for a brokerage firm that offered me a great financial package but not much else. I knew it was a mistake after two days and told them so. They tried offering me an even better financial package but it wasn't about the money. They wanted me to stay for at least a month but I knew I wouldn't be challenged enough there and I didn't want to waste 28 more days. Two days, shortest job I ever held.
Stephanie, are you interested in answering these eight critical questions?
I will get to it hopefully soon....
Sandy you are an amazing woman. Stephanie you are a procrastinator just like your father.
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