Friday, September 14, 2007

Happy Friday

A home with a cat doesn't need a piece of sculpture. DGS will be 18 in less than two weeks and today he received another call from a marine recruiter; he is not interested in them but is looking into the Coast Guard. The services offer a lot of benefits but he doesn't want to end up in Iraq.

I don't want to say we've solved all our problems with DH's appliance but the one I put on yesterday is still holding and DH felt comfortable enough to meet some friends for coffee this morning. Little successes!

Spent time and money at the bookstore today. DGS and I went out for lunch at Panera's and then to the bookstore for a few hours. He did some research for the short movie he and his friends are making and I ended up buying another bunch of books. My weakness! Last week I boxed up about three dozen books for our local library - making room so I can buy some more. I have an electronic reader and I do download books but there is just something special about curling up in a comfy chair with a good book and cup of tea or coffee. Just so very satisfying.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey! You were supposed to save them for me! Then I don't have to buy them!