A daughter-in-law of one of our closest friends just passed away of lung cancer that spread to her brain. The DIL and her husband had just purchased their dream house, the one they wanted to grow old together in when she was diagnosed with lung cancer. Even knowing she had lung cancer she couldn’t or wouldn’t quit smoking. When the cancer spread to her brain she went out of state to try experimental procedures hoping they would save or at least prolong her life. By this time there wasn’t anything that could be done and she was sent home to die. She leaves behind a husband who was a childhood sweetheart, children that adored her, parents who will always grieve, and in-laws that loved her like their own daughter. She was 47.
Life is such a fragile thing. Each moment should be cherished.
sympathy is sent to this young family. Their loss is great indeed.
Really a sad and unnecessary loss. If only.....
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