Having finished seeing our “must see” movies, today DH wanted to see The Bucket List. When it first came out he wanted to see it but then changed his mind – partly on the lukewarm to bad reviews it received and partly because he wasn’t ready to see a movie about two men with terminal cancer making a list of things to do/see before they died. DH’s own cancer operation was exactly 6 months ago yesterday.
The movie deserved the reviews it got but DH enjoyed it. The worst part of the movie for me was when (spoiler alert) Morgan Freeman’s character died on the operating table. Going to sleep and not waking up is probably the biggest fear anyone having surgery faces. DH asked his surgeon about the possibility of that happening and was told, “yes, it’s a possibility but I haven’t lost anyone yet and I don’t intend losing you.” And by the grace of God and the surgeon’s skill, he didn’t.
I thought Sean Hayes was wonderful in the movie. Seeing Rob Morrow made me miss Northern Exposure all over again. Jack Nicholson's performance made me miss Warren Schmidt. Morgan Freeman is God or at least the voice of God.
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