Hay, at leased spell check works but not two well unless you chews the right word. 'Nuff said.
A couple we had breakfast with the other day said her doctor wants her to have a glass of wine every evening with dinner. They don't drink at all but dutifully headed to the store to pick up a bottle of wine. But did they bring one home? Nope. Overwhelmed by their choices they didn't know how to decide so left, sans wine. DH told them about Trader Joe's Two Buck Chuck, drinkable, cheap and even has a cork. They picked up a bottle that afternoon and looked forward to having a glass with dinner but another disappointment - they couldn't get the cork out. Today DH bought them a decent corkscrew and we are now waiting hear how they liked the wine.
Two funny.....are paper inn town is well known for the poorly spelled word uses.
Ha about the wine. My doc told me the same thing but to use red wine. I only like sweet wine so it is either boxed stuff or kosher!
I read a Grafton, an Evanovich, a Gilbert and am almost finished with the newest Grishom....feels good to be reading again.
Good reads for winter! Our friends are starting off with 1 oz of cabernet sauvignon. Years ago we enjoyed Boone's Farm blackberry wine. Sweet and delicious.
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