For some inexplicable reason the only book of hers I never got around to reading was Bird by Bird so I bought a copy a few days ago and am now in the process. This is a laugh-out-loud book on "writing and life."
I'm paraphrasing this but one story she tells is about her then 3-1/2 year old son who took a set of toy keys and purposely locked himself out of the house. She heard him fiddling with the lock and trying to make the keys work. The next thing she heard was him saying, “Oh, sh*%!” She quickly opened the door and told him that he had just used a bad word, one that he and mommy shouldn’t use and she wasn’t going to say it anymore and neither should he. He was very contrite and agreed but then wondered if she wanted to know why he had used that word. She said, okay – so he whispered to her it was because he was so mad at the f#^%*$g keys!
I've not read any of her writing...have heard of her though. Good story....my kids always used the bad words in places like Gemco or the market....nice and loud they were too.
What a great story, I love hearing about some of the funny things kids say.
Thanks for your visit to see my gorgeous new grandson, I'm so happy that he has arrived safely. I know I'll enjoy being "Nana" to such a sweetie, and maybe I'll end up posting some of the funny things he says on my blog in a couple of years!
Stay tuned for some laughs!!
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