My sister Camille passed away three years ago this July 1st and today is her birthday – she would be 64. From May 25th until June 5th we were the same age which was especially fun when we were kids because it always puzzled our friends who knew we weren’t twins - so how come we were the same age? Mother said that she was told you couldn’t get pregnant as long as you were nursing – surprise!
My sister was one of the most determined people I’ve ever known – if she wanted to learn, do or be something, nothing could stop her. The only thing she couldn’t overcome was MS but she put up one heck of a fight. She had the worst type of MS – one that progressively worsened over the years. She faithfully used a machine that exercised her legs to keep them as healthy as possible in case a cure was found. She wanted to be able to walk again.
Right up until the end her long-term memory was excellent but not her short-term memory. I remember recalling with her some of the funny things we did as kids and some of the mischief we got into. Almost completely paralyzed and sitting in her wheelchair her eyes danced with laughter as she said, “I was such a little stinker, wasn’t I?” She wasn’t but she was almost always in constant motion when younger as if to somehow make up for all the days she’d be in a wheelchair.
She was very religious and prayed for healing but never lost her faith when it didn’t happen. The most important things to her were her faith and loving family. Her husband was her primary caregiver and because of him she was able to stay at home until she passed away. And her children and grandchildren gave her so much happiness. It’s a joy to see how much her oldest granddaughter resembles her – the circle of life.
I always thought we’d grow old together and be two old ladies sharing memories. Selfishly I feel cheated but MS cheated her and her family too. In my head I know she’s better off and no longer suffering but in my heart I just plain miss her. Happy birthday sister!
What a touching birthday tribute to your sister. I love the pic of you two sitting together with your blonde hair blowing in the breeze, you even look like twins!
Happy Birthday Mickey! Gone but definitely not forgotten.
I always wanted a sister, but had to make do with brothers. Sounds like you were blessed with a wonderful sister. Thanks for sharing some memories.
Thank you both. As her health deteriorated her worst fear was ending up in a convalescent home; she needed round-the-clock care because she was unable to do anything for herself. Thanks to her husband she was able to stay in her own home - he was (is) wonderful. We all miss her.
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