You can’t help but think about our current war-conflict-police-action-nation-building or whatever they’re calling it now and wonder how many names will end up on the next memorial. We’re already five years into this: 4,071 American have died, nearly 30,000 wounded and we’re still counting. I remember commentators joking about how Bush would FedEx WMD’s in if none were found – I don’t think anyone is laughing now.
The first time I visited the Vietnam memorial was a cold winter's night. Snow was on the ground. Our then 19 year old son had just left for a year in Germany. We were alone at the wall of names, names of boys like my boy. I was overwhelmed the the emotion.I have never forgotten that moment.
I have never seen the VietNam memorial in Washington, or in fact any memorial to those who died there. BUt I know that I'd be a sobbing wreck if I did visit. I suddenly turned into a torrent of tears when I visited the Oklahoma Bombing site. And I'm not even an American.
The current confilct is very wrong. Too many young men and women dying. And we are losing Canadians in Afghanistan...
Mom - the scene you describe so eloquently touches me. I can only imagine the emotions you were feeling.
Ms. Shammy - it is incredibly sad to know that so many lives have been cut short. Such a waste.
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