USS Enterprise - we were apx 2+ miles from it when we crossed its wake in our boat while we lived in Seattle. We climbed up a wall of water, dropped down the trough and then climbed up another wall of water. Our son locked himself in the head and said he wasn't going to come out until the boat stopped rocking. It was quite a ride!
Has anyone else been watching the 10 hour, 5 episode PBS mini-series, “Carrier?” It is a documentary of life aboard the USS Nimitz during its 2005 six-month deployment to the Persian Gulf. It has been absolutely riveting, beginning with their departure from Coronado, California; tonight the series ends with their return.
Along the way we’ve seen sailors young and old share their points of view – all the way from heavy bitching to those that plan on making the military their career and just about everything in between. Male and female, young and old, they seem to be able to give their opinions honestly and openly.
Last night’s episode featured night-time landing on the carrier during rough seas – made me nervous just watching it. The photography has been incredible and they’ve put a lot of thought into the eclectic music accompanying each episode. Absolutely wonderful! If you haven’t been watching, look for it in reruns – definitely worth seeing.
I watched part of the show. The carrier is a whole world unto itself. Lots of people in tight quarters, but all with a job to do. I don't think i could live aboard a ship.
It was fascinating to me but I'd never be able to live like that. I was especially interested in seeing how the navy fulfilled the family role for so many who didn't come from a close family. I felt sorry for the women that were profiled who chose the service but were away from their families. I'm too old to believe that's a good thing. Just because one CAN do something doesn't mean they should.
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