The boys came over for dinner this evening. We enjoy their company and it is one way we can help out when DD is working late. DH loves to barbecue for an appreciate audience and teenagers can put food away better than anyone!
One more item re the Moving Wall and Vietnam: We have a friend who was a captain in VN and he and another buddy were the only ones who survived in his platoon. They came under intense fire and he and his buddy went to higher ground to radio for air cover. The troops fought hard but were overrun and by the time air cover arrived it was too late – even their medic was killed. Their names are on the Wall.
I love the swiss chard picture. The way the light comes through the leaves and highlights the red stalks is really something! Plus I'm sure it tases good too!!
I'd love to have a big veggie garden but my yard is very shady as we are surrounded by big trees, so veggies just don't do well here. But last year I grew big red tomatoes in the compost heap.... mmmmm.... tomatoes right from the back yard, warmed by the sun, heaven!
We're supposed to eat more fruits and vegetables but most of it is fairly tasteless unless you grow your own or have good farmers' markets in the area. DH is a frustrated farmer and having a garden suits him. I just want to eat the stuff. ;-)
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