These horses were not involved.
There are commutes and then there are
commutes. Yesterday around 3:30am, horses from a ranch on Green River in the Santa Ana Canyon managed to get loose and wandered onto the 91 freeway over five lanes of traffic. Drivers were suddenly faced with horses in front of them and swerved and crashed into other cars in order to avoid them. There were numerous accidents, three people were hospitalized and at least one horse was killed. CHP and ranch workers were eventually able to round up the horses and lead them off the freeway. This happened on the east-bound side, I'm west-bound in the morning but naturally it tied up traffic in both directions for hours! And hours! As bad as it was though, it could have been so much worse.
Whoops! Today while DD was driving the bus, she hit the curb while making a right turn. All the others training with her had already done it but she was hoping it wouldn’t happen to her. The trainer told her it was a good thing there were no pedestrians on the sidewalk! Tomorrow she starts going over the routes with other drivers, something she needs to learn before her training is complete.
Horses on the freeway would be a surprising sight.
I'm sure DD will be a great driver.
I've been involved in a similar incident with horses loose on the road. Not a nice thing to happen.
I never would have expected horses on the freeway - seems we have one foot in the city and one in the country.
DD is trying sooo hard!
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