1. Write your own six-word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
Here is my six word memoir honest, fair, friendly, helpful, considerate, caring
I’ve thought about my six word memoir, whether to make it funny, touching, wacky but I kept coming back to these six words because they fit. Does it sound familiar? It’s part of the Girl Scout Law.
All my life I’ve set my own path – very independent, strong-willed (read stubborn), made my own mistakes, took my lumps, learned lessons and moved on. And though I grew up in the wild, anything-goes 60’s, I never smoked or took drugs. Not out of any particular virtue, I was health conscious at an early age and they just didn’t interest me. So I was called the Girl Scout of the group. Re alcohol – I had three drinks when I was 21 and then decided I’d rather chew than drink my calories. Recently though I’ve added a small glass of red wine in the evening. ;-)
I was out with some friends last week and when discussing bad habits someone said of me – she doesn’t even jaywalk. So I’m still seen as the Girl Scout but I’m not a goodie-goodie, have tons of faults and it’s often bothered me that because drugs didn’t interest me I failed to see their attraction to our daughter who next month will have been clean for one year.
And one more thing re the Girl Scout Law – I haven’t always respected authority. So maybe I’m a good Girl Scout with a hedge clause. Works for me.
I haven't branched out much to other blogs so will have to promise to eventually reach out to five but for now I tag Amy - four to go. I tag Kenju - now three to go. I tag Rook's Nest - now two to go.
The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be:
honest and fair;
friendly and helpful;
considerate and caring;
courageous and strong and
Responsible for what I say and do
and to: respect myself and others
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place,
and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Sandy, I think I should have kept my opinions to myself on Rosemary's blog.....LOL...but since you tagged me - I will try my best to comply. Thanks for the visit!
Okay, I will try to get this done in a somewhat timely manner. Next week, though! Gotta think about this one...
Oh. And Jessica is seriously thinking about becoming a girl scout. I never was. Never thought about it. We didn't do much outside the house. The only lessons I remember taking were swimming lessons when I was about four and ice skating when I was about twelve to fourteen because I BEGGED! Never really knew anything about the Girl Scouts except for the cookies. That may be her motivation, but whatever the reason, I don't have a problem with it. BTW, have you tried the new lemon ones? They are fantastic!
Will keep you posted on the GS progress!
That sounds like a very good description. I like girl scouts.
I was a Brownie and Girl Scout. Later I was a Brownie leader and Girl Scout leader. My older daughter became a first class Girl Scout. My oldest granddaughter stayed in scouts through high school. She even went to Switzerland and stayed in the Girl Scout chalet there.
One year clean is a great achievement!
I recently gave all of my Girl Scout "equipment" to my granddaughter...my handbook, my sash with a zillion badges sewn on, loose badges, my beanie and my pin. It seems to me I remember reciting the pledge...On my honor I will try to do and be my best and to obey the Girl Scout Laws.
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