Office Courtyard
Re Eliot Spitzer: he created a lot of turmoil in my industry. There were some legitimate problems that needed to be changed but he went about it in a heavy-handed way and hurt a lot of people in the process. He wanted to create a name for himself and judging by the current headlines, he has. Now I wonder: will the wives of these powerful men ever refuse to be used like props while their husbands give their mea culpas? I’m not saying they shouldn’t or couldn’t be forgiven (not up to me) but isn’t it reasonable to think they’d want/need a little time to handle this privately?
I really like the song in the new JCP American Living commercials but what’s with the young girl in the red scarf who steps on her birthday cake while wearing red boots? Is that an ethnic thing? Something done in certain parts of this country? I don’t see a second cake in sight so do the guests scrape cake off her boots?
DH’s doctor appointment is tomorrow at 3:15. We have kept ourselves incredibly busy the past few days so we don’t have to think about it but it is the elephant in the room we’re both trying not to see.
what a lovely courtyard. It is a pretty place for the random thoughts that come.
Will be praying that the doctor appointment goes well.
Sandy, you have been tagged to do a mime. You have to check the post on my blog to find the rules. I look forward to your response.
Mom, I checked your blog and it sounds like fun. You used your six words well!
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