He joined the air force and was sent to Viet Nam. While stationed in Pennsylvania, he met his future wife and though the marriage produced two children it didn’t last. He later met a divorced woman and fell in love. Her ex-husband decided if he couldn’t have her no one else could either and shot my cousin, leaving him paralyzed and brain damaged. He lived for some time in a convalescent home before dying. It still sounds surreal to recall this. The funeral for him was horrid. The pastor was new to my aunt’s church and got my cousin’s middle name wrong. There is no grief worse than that of losing a child no matter the age. My sister lost her only boy and said the pain really began in the second year – the first year she was just numb.
Aunt Amy stayed in touch with Lee's ex-wife who eventually moved back to Pennsylvania, got a job and planned on moving back to California when she could retire. When that time came, my aunt wanted her to move in with her – she looked forward to the company and the ex would need a place to stay. That didn’t happen because the ex developed cancer and within a couple of months was dead. Lee's son lives in Pennsylvania, his daughter in California. They both keep in touch with their grandma, my aunt. Remembering is a mixed bag - joy, comfort and pain.
What a sad story. Did the shooter end up in prison? Was being tall at 12 ever a problem? I have a short issue...and am getting shorter by the minute.
The picture shows two happy, carefree kids. It is good that we don't know what the future holds so that we are able to enjoy the joys of today. It seems that all families have their share of sad stories. The story of your cousin is full of sadness.
The shooter was arrested on attempted murder (Lee lived quite a while)and fled the country before trial. His girlfriend visited him daily in the hospital but eventually drifted out of our lives.
Tall at 12 was only a problem when I tried to get in for a 12-and-under rate at the movies. Because my family had so many tall uncles and aunts and my friends at private school were also fairly tall, I never thought I was until high school and by then it was too late to be self-conscious - at least about my height!
Sometimes we do want to know the future but it's probably a good thing we can't. With the ups and downs in a person's life, it amazes me that the human spirit is so resiliant.
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