Yummm, potstickers!
The best way to spend a Friday afternoon? With my beautiful niece and her two beautiful daughters. It was the youngest daughter's birthday (5th) and we went to PF Chang's China Bistro for lunch. Since it was a birthday, the girls each had a dessert - the birthday girl chose a banana split shooter primarily because there were four maraschino cherries on top (served with one candle for her to make a wish on and blow out) and the older chose a s'more shooter with lots of ooey-gooey marshmallow. After lunch we went to the mall and did girl bonding while shopping. The afternoon passed too quickly but we're looking forward to next month when the older girl has her birthday.
DD had a great day today - no mistakes while driving
and a paycheck! Next week she loses her trainer and drives with another driver along as an observer. Her hours will change from 8:30am-4:30pm to 4:30am-12:30pm. She can't leave her 14-year old alone where she lives so he will spend the nights with us and leave for school from our house. This will change once she gets her own place and is able to have both boys live with her.
On a personal note: I've never been as turned off about politics as I am this year. I'm tired of all the lies, promises, attacks. A pox on all their houses.
Ahh, the good things in life -maraschino cherries, gooey marshmallow fluff, time with people we love, and a paycheck. Life is good.
Politics is pretty smelly right now.
You should have seen her eyes light up when she saw not one but four maraschino cherries! How could she possibly resist?
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