This evening they moved DH from ICU to a regular hospital room. He was able to stand, walk a few steps and sit in a wheelchair for about an hour. The surgeon says he is doing very well and we will have the pathology results Monday. I saw his incision for the first time today and was surprised at how it seems to go on forever and curves around the belly button. He won't be able to eat or drink anything for a few more days but can now chew on ice chips. Yesterday he asked me to ask the nurse for one of the popsicles she had given him earlier. She looked puzzled and then said it wasn't a popsicle but a little sponge on a stick that was dipped in water and used to swab the inside of his mouth. Some "popsicle." They are managing his pain with morphine and he is relatively comfortable. These caring nurses are the unsung heroes of medical care. His nurse in ICU was - you won't believe this - 71-1/2. When DH told me this I thought he was hallucinating so I asked her and she confirmed it.
DD is working on getting her car registration in order. Turns out she had a few parking tickets she neglected to pay and needs to take care of them before she can get her car registration current. But she is handling it, not ignoring things as she's done in the past. Tomorrow I will pick her up so she can see her dad and spend some time with her boys.
This hospital stuff doesn't leave me much free time (I had such plans!) but I'm taking care of things pretty well. No plant has died on me yet. While I do outside work, I just think of it as working on my tan. We needed to have some work done on one of our sprinkler stations but I wasn't much help when the guy came out so that will have to wait until DH gets home. It's okay though - don't want to look too proficient here!
Glad to hear DH is doing well. A couple steps are better than no steps!!! And no, that man got his bikes back and he paid his payment without any service charges. (Customer is always right.)
Sounds like things are progressing well. God Bless her at 70+. I could not do it. Too much to handle for me at 62. Think of you every day.
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