A little bit of Texas in California. And it looks like he's staying!
And today's menu? Seven-up for breakfast, clear broth for lunch, Sierra Mist for dinner and lest I forget, something for breakfast guaranteed to make sure nothing stays (or has ever stayed) in his intestines. I wish I could joke about this but he is scared, really scared and so am I. Scared of the operation, scared of the pain, of the recovery, of the unknown and of whether or not there is any additional cancer. He has already drawn his line in the sand - no chemo. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. No further discussions. So this surgery better take care of the cancer. His surgeon is extremely confident but is there any other kind? He really likes DH and said he thinks of him as a father figure - though he also said DH is not old enough to be his dad unless we're talking about some place in the deep south.
The bone scan was done today and he is now totally exhausted. Tired of tests, of being poked, prodded, stuck and who knows what else. He's already telling me what reading material he wants brought to the hospital and in what order. Guess he's not too exhausted. We will be at the hospital tomorrow around 11:00am and his surgery is scheduled for 1:00pm. Since there are three surgeons involved, I am relatively sure it will start somewhat on time. Relatively sure.
DS's son came back from visiting his maternal grandmother in Sacramento. There is a very strong possibility he will be staying out here with his dad instead of going back to Texas to live with his mother, DS's ex. He wants to stay here, says he's a California Kid and his mother is agreeing. We're all happy about this.
Kisses to you my friend. Hope all went well from the scan to the surgery.
Thanks, Rosemary.
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