Samantha got her first mail today - an invitation to visit the vet for some shots. Doesn't she look happy? Lucky Sam. 
One in 30 - chance of a man developing bladder cancer at any time in his life. One in 90 - the chance for a woman. Bladder cancer is the the fourth most frequent cancer diagnosed in men and the ninth most frequent cancer diagnosed in women. It's a cancer of older people. Nearly 90% of people with this cancer are over the age of 55. About 74% of those first diagnosed with this cancer have it confined to the bladder. In 19% of the cases, it has spread to nearby tissues outside the bladder. In 3% it has spread to distant sites. We are hoping husband's bladder cancer is in the first group, confined to the bladder. His CT scan is scheduled for Monday. Lucky him, he gets to drink something called Berry Smoothie. Do we think this is going to
taste like a berry smoothie? We do not.
Tomorrow is the last Sunday visit with our daughter in rehab - she will be through with the program on the 11th. When she entered rehab almost 90 days ago she was confused, paranoid, tired, and scared. Now she is a completely different person - doesn't even look the same. She was so ready for this and though we all know she has more work ahead, we're confident she will make it. We are all proud of the hard work she's done.
We have had so many doctor appointments and been so busy lately that when husband said to me, "Do you know what happens tomorrow?", I drew a blank. I couldn't think of anything we had planned so I said, "No, nothing special that I can remember." Big smile on his face as he said, "There's a football game on tomorrow!" Love anything that puts a smile on his face.
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