Today we received a visit from the Visiting Nurse. The Hospital From Hell told us she would be here the day after DH was discharged, but like everything else we were told - it was wrong. However, since she didn't do much when she was here it really didn't matter. She took his blood pressure, asked how he was doing, made some notes and said a nurse would be here about once a week to see how things are going.
This morning a friend of DH's stopped by to say hello. DH is still uncomfortable having visitors as he tires easily but he was as gracious as one can be in their bathrobe. The friend told him one of their mutual friends had the same operation and died in an automobile accident about a week after he was discharged from the hospital. He seemed to suggest that the operation had made this person more vulnerable and less able to withstand the accident. Some cheer he brought.
DH is making such progress! He had scrambled eggs this morning, fruit and a nutritional drink for lunch and pizza for dinner. And he is also drinking lots of water. His strength is coming back and though DS gave him a walker, he hasn't used it. The next thing is getting the stitches out tomorrow and getting the full results of the pathology report.
This has been a very difficult, arduous ordeal. In some ways easier and in some ways more difficult than we were prepared for. The adjustment to the "appliance" has been easy. The stay in the hospital not so much. The recovery is still a work in progress but every day he's so much better than the day before.
This morning a friend of DH's stopped by to say hello. DH is still uncomfortable having visitors as he tires easily but he was as gracious as one can be in their bathrobe. The friend told him one of their mutual friends had the same operation and died in an automobile accident about a week after he was discharged from the hospital. He seemed to suggest that the operation had made this person more vulnerable and less able to withstand the accident. Some cheer he brought.
DH is making such progress! He had scrambled eggs this morning, fruit and a nutritional drink for lunch and pizza for dinner. And he is also drinking lots of water. His strength is coming back and though DS gave him a walker, he hasn't used it. The next thing is getting the stitches out tomorrow and getting the full results of the pathology report.
This has been a very difficult, arduous ordeal. In some ways easier and in some ways more difficult than we were prepared for. The adjustment to the "appliance" has been easy. The stay in the hospital not so much. The recovery is still a work in progress but every day he's so much better than the day before.
So relieved to hear that he is doing so well. So glad to see that you are doing well.. Right?
Sad but such is the state of health care today. I will never, would have never gone back to nursing once I left. It has become all about the mighty dollar not the patient not the care just the cost. He is 100% better off at home.
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