We are now getting advice from some friends that husband should just ignore the bladder cancer. Do nothing. Wait and see. And then I read online that delay decreases your chances for survival. Surgeon says it must come out, primary doctor has seen surgeon's report and agrees with it. The final decision is husbands but I know that I want the odds on his side. He has come to terms with the idea of a bag - we just hope it hasn't spread. Our visit with the surgeon tomorrow should tell us a little more.
A lot of what I know about illness I learned from my sister's dealings with MS. One of the most important things I learned is that it doesn't just affect the person with the disease - it touches the entire family and friends. Roles change. Things may appear the same but nothing is. The disease becomes the elephant in the room.
The highway gods struck back today with a vengeance. A truck went through the center divider on the 91 early this morning and traffic was backed up all day. My 33 mile commute took almost two hours and for half of that 33 mile drive I drove about 60mph. Getting through Corona was the problem. Ever wonder why it's called the Corona Crawl? I'm thankful for work right now though, keeps me busy and diverts my attention from doctors and bladders and things that go bump in the night.
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