On Friday he was moved from ICU to a regular room. And from then on we had nothing but problems.
On Saturday when I was making my second visit of the day, he asked me to go back home and bring him a fan: there were problems with the air conditioning and his room was unbearably warm. He was still complaining about not being able to eat or drink and the overly warm room was a little too much. He threatened to leave the hospital and didn't care what the staff said. When I got back with the fan he calmed down a little.
Sunday he called and asked me to bring some electrical tape on my next visit. And why did he need the electrical tape? Because one of his many tube attachments kept getting unattached and was leaking on his body. He was tired of complaining to the nurses who weren't able to fix it anyway! He wrapped the tape around some connections but couldn't cut it because I didn't think to bring scissors. It worked for awhile and then it too began leaking. Every nurse (well almost) came in, looked things over and said it shouldn't be leaking but it was. What a mess. Again he threatened to get up, pull everything off and go home. That night he got his first "food" - bouillon, juice, and something that was either tea or coffee - we couldn't tell. The Patient From Hell in the Hospital From Hell.
Monday after my morning visit, the doctor arrived and started pulling plugs, wires, tape, and said, "You're going home today." DH called me, I went back to the hospital and then we waited. And waited. They promised us a video on how to take care of DH at home. Then they couldn't find the video. When it was finally located they said it was really old and probably wouldn't be much help. Then an angel appeared in the guise of a nursing assistant who knew how to instruct us re the care he would need when he was home. She said her father-in-law had the same operation and she helped him with his "appliance" so she was well schooled in the proper care. Finally we were ready to leave - almost. They couldn't find a wheelchair for him so in utter frustration we just started to leave. He was walking extra slow so his pants wouldn't fall down and we were making our getaway! Bonnie and Clyde of the geriatric set. We got busted though about half way down the hall and were forced to wait for the wheelchair. Then we were on our way. Home at last! Re the pathology report - clear lymph nodes, clean bone scan but not everything is in. We have to wait until this Friday for the final, final report.
Tuesday I made cream-of-wheat for DH. He had chicken-noodle soup for dinner, bananas and ice-cream later in the day and not too much else. He was very tired, restless, emotional and I was always close by.
Wednesday, today, he is eating a little more. walking better and a little more comfortable. The only thing he is using for pain is Tylenol and he says the staples are extremely painful. We see the doctor Friday to have them removed and that is also when we will get the complete pathology report.
This has been such an ordeal. I now know how illness touches everyone in the family. The boys have been so concerned over his situation. Last night when DH wanted ice-cream the youngest one insisted that he be the one to serve it to his grandpa. I've stayed home from the office to be nurse and we've just been told a visiting nurse will be by tomorrow to see how he is doing and make sure we're comfortable with all the changes. We're getting there.
On Saturday when I was making my second visit of the day, he asked me to go back home and bring him a fan: there were problems with the air conditioning and his room was unbearably warm. He was still complaining about not being able to eat or drink and the overly warm room was a little too much. He threatened to leave the hospital and didn't care what the staff said. When I got back with the fan he calmed down a little.
Sunday he called and asked me to bring some electrical tape on my next visit. And why did he need the electrical tape? Because one of his many tube attachments kept getting unattached and was leaking on his body. He was tired of complaining to the nurses who weren't able to fix it anyway! He wrapped the tape around some connections but couldn't cut it because I didn't think to bring scissors. It worked for awhile and then it too began leaking. Every nurse (well almost) came in, looked things over and said it shouldn't be leaking but it was. What a mess. Again he threatened to get up, pull everything off and go home. That night he got his first "food" - bouillon, juice, and something that was either tea or coffee - we couldn't tell. The Patient From Hell in the Hospital From Hell.
Monday after my morning visit, the doctor arrived and started pulling plugs, wires, tape, and said, "You're going home today." DH called me, I went back to the hospital and then we waited. And waited. They promised us a video on how to take care of DH at home. Then they couldn't find the video. When it was finally located they said it was really old and probably wouldn't be much help. Then an angel appeared in the guise of a nursing assistant who knew how to instruct us re the care he would need when he was home. She said her father-in-law had the same operation and she helped him with his "appliance" so she was well schooled in the proper care. Finally we were ready to leave - almost. They couldn't find a wheelchair for him so in utter frustration we just started to leave. He was walking extra slow so his pants wouldn't fall down and we were making our getaway! Bonnie and Clyde of the geriatric set. We got busted though about half way down the hall and were forced to wait for the wheelchair. Then we were on our way. Home at last! Re the pathology report - clear lymph nodes, clean bone scan but not everything is in. We have to wait until this Friday for the final, final report.
Tuesday I made cream-of-wheat for DH. He had chicken-noodle soup for dinner, bananas and ice-cream later in the day and not too much else. He was very tired, restless, emotional and I was always close by.
Wednesday, today, he is eating a little more. walking better and a little more comfortable. The only thing he is using for pain is Tylenol and he says the staples are extremely painful. We see the doctor Friday to have them removed and that is also when we will get the complete pathology report.
This has been such an ordeal. I now know how illness touches everyone in the family. The boys have been so concerned over his situation. Last night when DH wanted ice-cream the youngest one insisted that he be the one to serve it to his grandpa. I've stayed home from the office to be nurse and we've just been told a visiting nurse will be by tomorrow to see how he is doing and make sure we're comfortable with all the changes. We're getting there.
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