Yesterday we had a high of 70 and today's high was 73 - fall is definitely in the air. 
A recipe for Take-10 Super Cookies at has 10 ingredients that cancer researchers consider to be "breast-cancer friendly." I haven't tried the recipe but among other ingredients, it contains shredded carrots, dried cranberries, quick rolled oats, chocolate chips and almonds. Sounds delicious. If you want the recipe, log on to the King Arthur web site, click on recipes and in the "recipe search" box, enter Super Cookies. I have two DGS to bake for and have trained them well - they love everything I bake. :-)
DH was talking to a friend yesterday and I heard him say that they had gotten all the cancer when his bladder was removed. Well, yes but not exactly. They got all the
known cancer but there was one very small spot where the cancer punched through the bladder wall and that means a chance (however small) that cancer cells may show up elsewhere. We will have followup appointments with his surgeon and primary physician soon to discuss DH's options.
Sandy.....don't worry about the punched thru cells. See the doc, trust what he tells you or get a second opinion as that is your right. Cancer is....well cancer and it does what it wants to do.
There is a poem about what cancer is is not DH's are and the restof the family.
These comments didn't come out sounding right....So, let me se if I can fix them or make it worse since you don't have a trash can.
Whether cells got thru or not may not matter. Metastatic disease happens a lot with cancer simply because where the cells go is a "like" place. For example prostate cancer likes the spine. Those little escaped cells may not do anything. Seeing the doc and talking to him frankly is the way to go. What DH said may be his way of coping.
As for the is actually something like what cancer can't take from me I have shown me thru your blog how important the things one takes for granted as being there every day...well how fragile those things/people are.
What you have lived with DH and DD and those boys is nothing short of wonderful. You are my hero. Really.
You always make me feel better! Thanks for the info - it better prepares me for our doctor visits. I'm going to find that poem and try to figure out why I don't have a trash can!
Re DD - it is such a joy to see her boys laugh and joke with her and DH and I are rediscovering the pleasure of her company. The more I learn about meth, the more I know just how lucky and blessed we are.
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