Japanese Gardens - right now I need to look at something peaceful.
I didn't think I'd blog tonight - too tired because DD and I spent all afternoon shopping. And I mean all afternoon, I just got home. Thought I'd turn on the computer, check the two blogs I always do and then go take a bubblebath, slip into a robe and grab a cup of coffee. Well, I'm wide awake now after checking
Rosemary's blog re Clarence Thomas. I wonder how many women currently in the workplace are even aware of how contentious his confirmation hearings were. He was marginally qualified but was conservative and after the Bork nomination went down in flames, the conservatives were determined this one would get through - no matter what. During the hearings, Anita Hill who had worked with Thomas at the Dept of Education and at the EEOC, testified that he had sexually harassed her and made remarks to her about a pubic hair and Coke can. Thomas denied the allegations and the battle was on. The hearings were carried on NPR and also TV. It was a "he said, she said" situation. Both sides lined up witnesses but they absolutely steam-rollered over Anita Hill. Some of her co-workers said Thomas couldn't possibly have harassed Hill because he'd never bothered them. Really? He hadn't done it to them so that meant he wasn't capable of doing it to someone else? She had others to support her claim but they never were allowed to testify because the hearings were going on too long and the Senators just wanted to put his nomination to a vote and end the discussion. He was confirmed and a man who dabbled in pornography and held women in such low regard was appointed to a life-long position. A life-long position. And don't you wonder how all the bitterness and anger he still feels impact his legal decisions? The only positive thing to come from this was a public awareness of sexual harassment. Any woman who works with men knows, honestly knows, it goes on. I've experienced it, witnessed it. Pretending not to "get" what men were saying, avoiding being alone in certain situations. Managers that thought they held all the power and could do, say, insinuate whatever.
I've gone on too long but I'm wide awake now. Women need to be good friends to women.
And boys should be raised to respect women and girls to never, but never put up with harassment.
WOW. Powerful and everything I wish I knew how to say. Thank you.
The thing I feel most sad about is that so few women believed her. Your blog provided a good place to air a lot of different viewpoints. Disagreeing and agreeing to disagree as long as no one is disagreeable is a good thing. Wish we had more civility in the political world.
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