DD and DGS were over yesterday for quite a while. She mentioned having very few things to wear as she's gained some weight now that she's no longer meth thin. Her old clothes no longer fit her and thank goodness for that! They were all "hootchie-mama" clothes that embarrassed the heck out of all of us. Anyway, she's currently wearing "do-no's" - clothes that have been donated and would like some things of her own. I think it's time. We've both been promised a makeover by DH (who can't plead amnesia because we both heard him!) and I think it's time to get the ball rolling
And guess what came in the mail today? An AAA travel brochure with info re cruises to Alaska! I've mentioned taking an Alaskan cruise to him but he said nope, not interested. Well, after looking at the brochure, he's thinking - seriously - about it. And no, I didn't send for the brochure. See how things work out?Last time I'm going to mention this: Rosemary, you are not only smart but so wonderfully wise. Your comment re "you have taken care of him as a partner should" was so simple and so deep. Last night he reached for my hand, looked into my eyes and said, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here. It means the world to me." And I thought of your words and knew, really knew what being a partner means - richer or poorer, sickness or health. I learn slow but learn well. Thank you
Okay - second to the last time: Amy, your sweet concern and phone hugs are priceless. Your whole family is so lucky to have you and I think your Mother is loving the way we look after each other. Thanks for being there - always!
sandy, you know it is easy for me to write words, it is a different story for you to walk in those words. You are my hero, really. I have taken care of Steve thru 3 hip surgeries and I will be totally honest....it took every ounce of my being to not resent him to the point of words I can't write. I have learned however that without him I might as well curl up and turn into a prune...so we do what needs to be done and get up the next day and put one foot in front of the other. You have more courage and dignity than any million women combined.
Wow, there's a lot of love here. And to think that we would not have known Rosemary if it weren't for the bloggy world! Amazing!
Sandy, it is a good thing the girls are asleep. Otherwise, they would be asking why mommy is crying and be coming over and giving me hugs and telling me it is okay. You made me cry. That was so sweet! Thank you. Or as Rebekah used to say, Dank Ooo.
I am looking up all the cruise stuff, too, and just enjoying looking at the pictures! Beautiful beyond words! And I started looking into passport stuff, too. So much fun. Even just looking! It if becomes a reality, well, all my life I have wanted to go to Alaska! Really, ALL my life! We'll see.
I love you. You are more wonderful than my words can describe. I am so glad your DH knows it, too! Well, he knew it, but I am so glad he said that! They know it, they just don't always show it!
Now I'm crying. What a support system! Glad I'm blogging.
Rosemary, I was talking to someone yesterday and started to mention something about "my friend" in Idaho - stopped for a second and realized yes, you are my friend though we haven't met. And I don't use that word loosely. You are.
Amy, you've got such a big heart!
You were named well. You know that before blogs there were pen pals. Did you know that's how your Grandma & Birth Grandpa got together?
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