My grandparents had their home destroyed by fire when my Mother was just a toddler and that experience left her with a life-long fear of fire. Her mother caught pneumonia and died shortly after the fire and they blamed her death indirectly on the fire. She never knew her mother and said that as she grew older she decided that one day she would be the mother she had wanted. I think one of the best things a mother can give is the knowledge that you are completely and without reservation loved for who you are - warts and all. It's a love that makes you believe in yourself. This wonderful person, your mother, says you're terrific so it must be so. She always regretted not having a mother as she grew up but turned herself into a mother that her five children (and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren) adored. She did alright for a little girl from Norwegian Grove.
What a lovely tribute....and you carry on the tradition of the good mother...grandmother and eventually a Gigi. Have I told you I think you are quite a lady?
Thank you. I love reading about your mother/daughter visits - your love for her is palpable. You didn't get a great role model but you sure did some things right. I'm returning the compliment. And looking forward to becoming a Gigi!
PS - When our daughter was pregnant she asked her grandmother, "How would you feel about being a great-grandmother?"
Her grandmother (my Mother) said, "I already thought I was!"
second try...damn blogger....I became Gigi by default. My mom was Gramie to my kids and my grandchildren called her Gramie too...so I stole Gigi
I originally thought Gigi was GG - great grandmother and thought I was so clever to figure it out, ha! When our first grandchild was born, DH bought me a license plate frame saying, "Happiness is being a grandparent." I loved it and wanted to buy him one - he said, "No way - I don't want anyone to know I'm a grandpa." Funny thing is I looked young enough to have some people think I might be an "older" mother and so got lots of pity looks.
Sandy I have looked and looked for your email and can't find it. I hope you are OK and everything is just busy for you right now.
Here is the poem I told you about:
what cancer cannot do:
it cannot cripple love
it cannot shatter hope
it cannot corrode faith
it cannot destroy peace
it cannot kill friendships
it cannot suppress memories
it cannot silence courage
it cannot invade the soul
it cannot steal eternal life
it cannot conquer the spirit
my real email is momikat@hughes.net
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