The bougainvillea is so beautiful this time of year.
As it turns out, it's not just my imagination that the Santa Anas we're currently experiencing are about as bad as I've ever seen - part of the proof is in all the fires that are still out of control. It has been too windy today to use fixed-wing aircraft so no super-scooper tankers have been able to drop water or chemicals. If the winds die down a bit, things may change but they will only be able to use them until it gets dark. We have friends in the Lake Arrowhead area (they're saying an arsonist is responsible for that fire) and it seems they're forced to evacuate every other year but they wouldn't live anywhere else. We can smell and see smoke but there are no fires in our area. However, the winds will be with us for at least 24 more hours.
I telecommuted today since the 91 was a mess because of a fire in the Santiago Cyn area - also caused by an arsonist. So I had an extra day to get things done at home. And did I? Nope. Still have a "to do" list as long as my arm. Since DH is now feeling much better, I'm making a list for him too. Hey, if I don't do it who will!
I have talked to my children and they say this is the worst they have seen it in a long time. We get the East coast TV channels and the fires were the head story. It looks just awful. My daughter is supposed to fly up on Friday on ExpressJet....I don't know if it will happen.
I've checked your blog and know your daughter is coming - I'm so happy for you! I'm getting to know DD all over again and it's been wonderful. She's finally happy in her skin.
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