Once a week we had pizza night at the firm I worked for. Around 5-6:00pm we would gather at the office for pizza and learn about new products, have different mutual-fund wholesalers tout their funds, get info on different tax shelters and new offerings. The meetings often lasted until 10:00pm and that was a very, very long day as most of us were at our desks around 6:30-7:00am.
This particular evening ran very late and it was almost 11:00pm when the most tired bunch of brokers you've ever seen headed for the elevators and home. Someone pushed a button that summoned the elevator. No one spoke. When the elevator arrived, we quietly shuffled in - still not speaking. We were exhausted. I was one of only two women brokers. Then one of the men said, "I'm so tired. When I get home all I'm going to do is play with my monkey."
Now, our local paper had been running a series of articles about how many people were illegally importing exotic animals and too late discovering they were difficult to housebreak and also dangerous. Most of the exotic animals were monkeys. So when this fellow said he was going to play with his monkey, I thought he meant a monkey. In all innocence I said, "Oh, you have a monkey?" When laughter broke out, someone said, "That must be Sandy!" It was. I knew I'd said something wrong but didn't know what until years later. I lot of my naivete I didn't have to fake. I also think I read too much.
Are you serious about the garage door and the cat? We are going to let the kittens out of the bedroom this Thursday....however, they will still have the gate at the bedroom door to go over or under should a grownup cat decide they look tasty.
I have a story I will have to tell you some day about a patient and a carrot.
Cross my heart - she really did. Looking forward to your patient and carrot story and I'll share some about my massage classes. Isn't life fun?!
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