Today's visit with the surgeon had some good and some not so good news. The good - no great - news is that the cancer appears to be only in the bladder and there are no plans for any chemo after the surgery. The bad news is that this is a very big operation complete with a long recovery period. Three surgeons will operate and the hospital stay will be from 1 to 2 weeks. He checks into the hospital Wednesday around 10:00am and the surgery is scheduled for 1:00pm.
We don't know how long it will take but I'll be there when he wakes up. And visiting will be easy. The hospital is lenient with visiting hours so I'll be able to see him on the way to work and on the way home.
I'm making lists of all the things that need to be done while he's in the hospital. A dear friend has already called and offered to do the yard work; we'll call him if we need help but I'm pretty sure the boys and I can handle it.
Now, how is DH taking this info? He has a wonderful attitude, just wants to get in, get it out, and get on with life. There will be checkups more often in the future (doctor's orders) but we have been given a future again. After our last visit with the surgeon, DH thought we should sell the motorhome because we'd never be able to use it again. Now? We're planning where we will go when all the healing is done.
You are coming up here next summer right? Please.
Guaranteed! And I mean it.
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