"Yes, Dallas?"
"Can you come to Texas and get me and take me to California when school's out?"
"Dallas, you're coming to California at the end of the month with your other Grandma. Can you wait a little longer?"
"I guess so but I want you to come and get me so I can get there sooner."
"Should I talk to your mother about that?"
"No. I guess I have to wait 'cause she already has the tickets."
"Then I think it's probably best if you wait too."
So our 10-year old Texas grandson will be here fairly soon but not soon enough. Last year his mother said she would let him live in California with his dad (our son) if he worked hard in school and got good grades. He did and now time will tell if he moves out here.
He lives with his mother, step-dad, half-sister and a veritable zoo assortment of animals (lemurs, geese, pigs, chickens, horses, dogs, cats, and goats to name a few) but misses his dad. His other grandma is retiring this year and may move to Texas so he will have her nearby. It sounds like a pretty good life for a kid but he misses his dad. But if he lived here, wouldn't he miss his mother and Texas lifestyle? No easy decisions here.
Last year when family friends drove him to California he brought me a kitten for my birthday. This was not a wanted present - in fact when he told me about the kitten before he left Texas, I reminded him we couldn't have one because of our dog. He held the kitten all the way and when DH saw it, he let Dallas know he didn't want a kitten. Dallas told him it wasn't for him, it was for his grandma. So........I kept the kitten he'd named SnowBelle, renamed her Samantha and she's been the best birthday present ever. Having a cat is new to me and she's been a constant source of delight, entertainment, exasperation and love. I learned I'd always wanted a cat.