Her first solo will be this Sunday but she won't know what route she gets until Saturday. The buses run seven days a week and until she has some seniority she can be assigned to any RTA shift and route. She knew this going in and is okay with it - for her the benefits far outweigh the inconveniences.
The coyotes are already howling tonight and it's not even dark. They definitely get Andy's attention but Sam sleeps through everything - ah, the life of a cat.
I love the word Bouganvillea. it just sounds so elegant and beautiful.
i love bougan....those flowers. I like the dark fuscia best. None here. Too cold and snowy. i remember the first time I saw them....on Catalina Island on a trip with my parents. I also like bottle brush for some reason even if they are the dirtiest plant on earth and can take paint right off a car. YEA for DD, flexibility and determination.
Mom - some here say "beau" and some say "boo" but everyone get the "villea" part just right!
Rosemary - DH hates pruning them, scratches everywhere. Have you seen the orange ones? Catalina is beautiful, some pricey properties there now. DD is tired but happy.
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