When my mother passed away, one of the first things my aunt said to me was, "You know what this means, right?" I nodded. Just to make sure I understood what she was intimating, she said, "You’ve moved up a notch." Yes, I knew that but what I mostly knew was that I’d lost my best friend.
It was many years before that when I wondered if I had become my mother. It happened when I had finished getting ready for work and was about to walk out the door. Taking a quick look in the mirror, it was my mother’s face looking back at me. I froze and stared at the image – in the navy suit I was wearing I looked just like she had some years ago in her navy suit. I’ve never had that experience since but every so often DH will say, "Wow, right now you look just like your mother." It must be a certain look or manner that I’ve unconsciously adopted because our temperaments and personalities were very different.
I’ve often heard women friends sort of groan and complain or laugh when/if they think they’ve become like their mother but I’ve never heard men say or worry that they’ve become like their dad. Wonder why.
So, did you ever say or think: "I knew I became my mother when............"
You obviously had an attractive mother then.
I sound like my mother. Every once in a while i hear myself and think I have become my mother.
I hope I am like my mother. She was my hero and always will be.
I become my mother when I look at my hands, and I see they are exactly the same as my mother's hands. The shape of the nails, the wrinkles on the knuckles, the length of my fingers... everything! Not such a bad thing, she was very creative and I love to use my hands just as she did all her life. She made all my clothes, knitted my sweaters, painted pictures, baked cakes, kept a lovely flower garden... I'm proud to be like her.
Guess I am the odd woman out....while I do resemble my mother more and more as I age, I really don't want to be like her. It took her up to the last month that she was alive to tell me she loved me. She was wild and what was called "loose" throughout her life. She was a loner like me, but I tell and show my kids every chance I get how much I love and cherish them. For sure I made horrible mothering mistakes but I know how to say I am sorry. I envy your mother's love.
Mom - a person's voice is as unique as their fingerprints. How wonderful to recall your mother's voice by hearing your own. I recorded a conversation with my mother and it's the only thing I have with her voice. I treasure it.
Ms. Shammy - I've seen some of your beautiful handwork and if all that creativity is like your mother's - well, you definitely inherited wonderful hands.
Rosemary - how sad for your mother that she wasn't able to show her love for her beautiful, talented, witty daughter. And how wonderful you didn't repeat the pattern with your kids. I'm glad she lived long enough to tell you she loved you.
Never really gave it much thought. All my life people told me I looked like her. My hair always had a red highlight, my fair complexion, even my hands are the same as hers were. When my mom would buy a ring, she wanted something substantial. Otherwise it would disappear on her size 10 finger. Me, too. My grandmother had the same hands, but she had lovely nails. I mess with mine too much and they don't get long. I do think about my mother often and I am glad that I was there for her birthday, about a month before she died. I got a picture of it. We brought a birthday cake and the girls and I sang happy birthday and she smiled and enjoyed that. That is a nice memory.
My sister told me a week ago that I inherited her generous spirit. That was very nice of her to say. And I think it is true. I am horrible about sending cards and stuff, but if I find something I think someone will like, I will get it for them. I wish I had more so that I could give more to others. I do enjoy that...and so did she.
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