Have you seen the previews for Leatherheads, the football movie set in the 20's starring George Clooney (swoon), John Krasinski (the Office) and Renee Zellweger? It looks like a movie both DH and I will enjoy. We first saw the preview while watching There Will Be Blood. DH laughed loud and hard and has been waiting for the movie's opening ever since. Well, it opens Friday and we plan on seeing it before helping our daughter move this weekend. I owe him a good movie after dragging him to see TWBB. As we left that movie he said something about the movie proving all oil men are *&$$#!*^, including Cheney - which earned him a small round of applause from those around us.
DD is feeling much more comfortable with her driving. One of the more critical drivers rode with her today and told her she's doing just fine. His only criticism was that she drove a little slow which she acknowledged. She thinks her speed will pick up as she becomes more familiar with the different routes; right now it's a new one every day.
I watched No Country for Old Men this week. What happened to happy movies.
Give of a report on Leatheheads after you see it.
We went to see The Other Boelyn Girl(of course the book was 99.9% better) last night on a whim and saw the preview for LH's.....looks really good. It will be a waiting game to see if our little red town decides it is good enough to show. Caught up on your posts....3cheers for DD and DGS's....what a wonderful time for all of you. I have a garage full of slim down things.....too bad we are so far away. As for bows in your hair....my mother put bonnets on me. I call the fridge an ice box....we had one....an outside door for the "milkman" to deliver and a place for the block of ice....door in the kitchen to access milk, butter and other cold stuff.....it wasn't free standing. That makes me really old doesn't it.
Mom, happy movies and good musicals, miss them. Save your money re There Will Be Blood.
Rosemary, I'm older but we always had a refrigerator and I thought everyone did in big cities. You know how happy we are over DD's change - just when you think it's not ever going to happen - whoops, here comes a miracle!
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