This is what I’ve since learned: The British passenger four-funnel liner Aquitania was launched in 1913 and was in service for a short time. In 1919 it was refurbished and re-entered service in 1920 and remained in service up until WWII when it was used as a troopship and loaned to the US for the San Francisco-Honolulu run. After the war it continued in service until 1948 and was eventually scrapped in 1951.
I wasn't interested in learning much about him when mother was alive (opportunity lost) but it is interesting now piecing some of the pictures of the puzzle together.
The following was sent to the office by one of our more staid associates - approaching 80, sense of humor intact:
"In an ongoing effort to keep you abreast of events affecting our world today, I pass on to you the following bit of insight in hopes you will find it helpful.
Generations are grouped as follows:
-The Silent generation, people born before 1945.
-The Baby Boomers, people born between 1945 and 1961.
-Generation X, people born between 1962 and 1976.
-Generation Y, people born between 1977 and 1989.
Why do we cal the last one Generation Y? I did not know but a caricaturist explains it eloquently below!"

I love that joke!!!
It's so true... the young men saunter about with their pants at half mast, but the young girls have their jeans sprayed on I think!
Regarding your "lost opportunity", I'm the same, I didn't find out enough about my mother and father and their families while they were alive. And there are many things I wonder about now.
I just sent all of my mother's WWII memorabilia to my oldest son...he said he wanted it when no one else was interested.....I missed being a boomer by 1 year, but I am for sure not silent!
Ms. Shammy - I hear low-rise pants are going out of favor but couldn't prove it by what I see! And how DO the girls sit in those tight jeans?
Rosemary - I don't know how I got lumped in the Silent generation either - weren't we the noisy protestors? Glad your son has the WWII stuff.
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