This is going to be a good year for our roses.
Did you hear about the University of Michigan study showing that having a husband increases a woman's housework by seven hours a week? However, having a wife saves a husband about an hour of housework a week. Our local TV news reported (tongue-in-cheek I hope) that after marriage a man gets a slave, the woman becomes one. It's better than it used to be though; in 1976 woman did an average of 26 hours of housework a week while a man did 6. It seems that men have pitched in more as more women began working outside the home. My opinion? I think male and female, we all work too much.
I sort of stumbled into the work force when our children were both in school. That necessitated a slight shift in our sharing of household duties. A slight shift because we had fairly "traditional" roles. Since then we've learned what each does best and we divide what needs to be done that way. Funny though, it's still fairly traditional. I handled all of his outdoor chores when he was in the hospital and nearly killed all our plants with kindness - watered everything way too much and had the biggest water bill ever! Now I just help tend to the flowers - a labor of love.

I sort of stumbled into the work force when our children were both in school. That necessitated a slight shift in our sharing of household duties. A slight shift because we had fairly "traditional" roles. Since then we've learned what each does best and we divide what needs to be done that way. Funny though, it's still fairly traditional. I handled all of his outdoor chores when he was in the hospital and nearly killed all our plants with kindness - watered everything way too much and had the biggest water bill ever! Now I just help tend to the flowers - a labor of love.
I'll keep this one shorter. No matter the statistics, I do ALL of the housework. Steve is a certified S.L.O.B.. Seems I have a black thumb. I kill everything water/no water.
We share most of the chores. Since I retired I have a lot more time and do more of them, but he has no problem helping with any household chore.
That is one beautiful rose.
When one of our friends retired, his stay-at-home wife said she was retiring too and she did. They hired a housekeeper and don't eat meals at home if it involves cooking. It works for them but I think I'd rather wear out than rust out.
Actually I'd rather not do either but you get my drift. :-)
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