Ms Anne Bear - you don't get too old for teddy bears, right? 
What a fun day. My niece, her dad and two daughters came for a visit; partly to celebrate her oldest daughter's birthday this Sunday and partly for her dad to look at a VW. Jessica wanted to go to the Rainforest Cafe for her birthday celebration but we had no idea the place would be packed with (are you ready for this?) 265 red-hat members. Red hats of every size and hue decorated the place. We were told there would be a wait for our lunch unless we ate in the all-age bar - which we did. DH came with us so we were a party of six. The birthday girl was given a glass full of maraschino cherries because she told the server how much she loved them - quite the charmer. Later they sang a birthday song and presented her with a "birthday volcano" - a huge mass of chocolate brownie slabs and vanilla ice-cream topped with chocolate sauce. She shared that with everyone and there were leftovers. The lunch was good but the best part was being together, sharing memories and making new ones.
After lunch DH and BIL left to look at the car and we girls got to spend time shopping. The girls wanted to get some clothes and accessories for their bears and while at Build-A-Bear it happened - I caught Bear Fever. I resisted for awhile but ended up with a bear of my own which the birthday girl named Anne, aka Annie. We made another stop at the mall before heading back to our place for a quick dip in the spa - the girls are small enough to think it's a pool. A nice way to cool off before heading home. A perfect day over too quickly.
DD had a graduation lunch today at which time she was presented with her RTA uniform. We haven't seen it yet but hope to before the weekend is over.
The Rain forest Cafe is a fun spot for a party. the grands all love it
I do believe the Red Hats are taking over the world. They seem to be everywhere.
We are all so happy for DD's success.
A uniform gives one a feeling of confidence...I know...and i bet mom does too. DD will soar in her new job!!!
Sounds like a really fun day....I made a "kitten" bear on my first trip to B-A-B....dressed her in a white pinafore, big rim sun hat with violets on it, glasses, violet colored paw print shoes and a teddybear toy.
Oh my goodness, you have been having a wild time while I have been absent from blogging due to the Variety Show!
Building a bear sounds like fun, but I bet it's not cheap! I don't know if we have those shops in Canada.... but we definitely have Rain Forest cafes, although I have never been inside one. I expect I'll be sampling their wares when Baby Callum is old enough to succumb to advertising!!!
BTW I'm a Red Hat and it's SO MUCH FUN!
Sorry, that was me deleting the previous comment.
Mom - husband likes Rainforest Cafe as much as the little kids do!
Rosemary - your B-A-B kitten sounds spoiled - her own toy yet! ;-)
Ms Shammy - you'll have lots of wonderful things to discover right along with Baby Callum. I look forward to being a Red Hat one of these days.
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