During Pope John Paul’s visit to Los Angeles, she got a chance to meet him and said that was the highlight of her life. When she talked about it the years dropped away and she seemed like a young kid that had just met her rock-star idol. Sometimes meetings like that are life-changing events but I can’t say that about her; she was very devout before and after. She felt it was a privilege to be able to leave her estate to the church, a way for her to do good works after she was gone. A very nice lady.
It is good to know that there are good and devout people in the world. they seldom make the news, but they make living ever so much nicer.
You were obviously touched by her...my mother had a picture of Pope JP in her bedroom. It was a treasure of hers. I hope some time before I am gone I find the peace in faith I have been looking for....for way too long.
I am quite impressed by this Pope. I'm not Catholic but I see that he is a leader and he definitely has the attention of the people. And for his gae, he is very upright and energetic.
I meant to type AGE not GAE.... I really have to check my post before clicking on publish.
I think I admired her unquestioning faith - I question everything. This Pope surprised me with his energy - he looked more energized than when he was elected several years ago. And he had a tough act to follow after Pope JP.
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