One of my goals is to get my pictures organized but I spend as much time with my memories as I do sorting. These pictures were taken when both boys wanted to stay up New Year's Eve for the first time. Here they are, starting out strong - there is four years between their ages. Same mom, same dad, different coloring.

With DGS's#2 coloring, he attracted lots of attention. Still does.

Going strong - at this point they both think they'll make it to midnight.

Oops, one down. Actually as I remember, he lasted longer than DH did.

Okay, laying down on the floor for a bit - but not sleeping!

Whoo-hoo! Made it. He was sound asleep within 5 minutes.

I remember the first time my parents let me stay up until midnight. I expected something magical, mystical to happen when the next year rolled around and was surprised to see we really just moved from one minute to the next. But I still stay up every year to see the new one in. One year I ate a whole bag of Doritos to stay awake - haven't been able to eat them since. Any special memories of the first time you stayed up on New Year's Eve?
The first memory I have of staying up for the New Year was more exciting than your boys. We gathered all the pots and pans and went outside and made a huge racket banging on them. It was a glorious, raucous very noisy moment. I wonder now what the neighbors thought.
We always stayed up to go to midnight Mass on Christmas mom would wake us up on the New Year and we would bang pans too. I have never been much of a night person...and I'm a cheap date too.
I can't remember the first time I was allowed to stay up to see the New Year in, but I do remember the first time I was allowed to stay up until my REAL birthday... I was born at 9pm, and I always had to go to bed by 8pm.... so staying up until 9 was really memorable.... no idea how old I was though.
Mom - he was more excited the next day because he had done it - kind of a delayed satisfaction.
Rosemary - I love the idea of midnight Mass even though I'm not Catholic.
Ms Shammy - our kids had an 8pm bedtime for as long as we could get by with it. We needed it! :-)
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